savings clubs
Our Savings Club's are for those expected expenses that come up every year. Designate an account for your specific money-saving goal and don't be tempted to spend it on anything else.
christmas club
Our Christmas Club account holds funds specifically for that special time of year where money seems tight. Whether you are visiting family out-of-town or saving up for the perfect gift for a loved one, plan ahead and direct deposit funds straight out of your paycheck into a Telco Triad savings account. Out of sight, out of mind. You won't notice a little bit of money coming out every paycheck but you'll be pleased to see the interest accruing when you check the balance on your account.
If you could save money, wouldn't you?
Get a free assessment of your current home or auto loan and see how much you could save by refinancing with Telco Triad.
kids club
It's never too soon to teach kids about responsible spending. In fact, the earlier they understand finance, the better off they will be in the long run! Our Kids Club account is specifically for kids under 12. They will have a safe place to keep their money and will get to see their money grow with interest!
Members of our Kids Club will also get super cool perks like VIP invitations to our annual events like our Kids Club Trunk-or-Treat and Pictures with SANTA.